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IT培训 admin 11浏览 0评论




const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

var pBrowser = await puppeteer.launch();
console.log("\t* Browser launched");
var pPage       = await pBrowser.newPage();
console.log("\t* Page launched");

let sUrl = foo;
await pPage.goto(sUrl);

let iItemCount = 10;
let tImageSrcs = [];
await async function () {
    let iPreviousHeight;
    console.log("Starting search at the top");
    while (tImageSrcs.length < iItemCount) {
        tImageSrcs = await pPage.evaluate( function() {
            let tItems = Array.from(document.images, e => e.src );
            console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images overall found within this section; trimming...");
            tItems = tItems.filter( sImage => [".jpg",".png"].includes(sImage.substring(sImage.length-4)) );
            console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images after filtering");
            return tImageSrcs.concat(tItems);
        console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" appropriate images sourced so far...");
        iPreviousHeight = await pPage.evalutate("document.body.scrollHeight");
        await pPage.evaluate('window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)');
        console.log("Searching at scroll height "+iPreviousHeight);
        await pPage.waitForFunction(`document.body.scrollHeight > ${iPreviousHeight}`);
        await page.waitFor(1000);
console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" images sourced");


        * Browser launched
        * Page launched
        * 0 images sourced


  1. 您创建了异步函数,但是您没有调用它,因此它不会被执行:
await async function () { /*...*/ }


await async function () { /*...*/ }()
  1. 无论如何,这个包装函数是多余的:我想你已经在使用await的异步函数中,所以不需要使用包装器。
  2. console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" images sourced");仍然为空时,你调用tImageSrcs,因为上面的函数没有执行(await只是等待它的创建,而不是执行)。
  3. tImageSrcs代码中的pPage.evaluate()未定义(tImageSrcs是Node.js上下文中的变量,它在浏览器上下文中不可用)。您需要通过其可序列化值传输它。


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

var pBrowser = await puppeteer.launch();
console.log("\t* Browser launched");
var pPage       = await pBrowser.newPage();
console.log("\t* Page launched");

let sUrl = foo;
await pPage.goto(sUrl);

let iItemCount = 10;
let tImageSrcs = [];

let iPreviousHeight;
console.log("Starting search at the top");

while (tImageSrcs.length < iItemCount) {
    tImageSrcs = await pPage.evaluate( function(srcs) {
        let tItems = Array.from(document.images, e => e.src );
        console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images overall found within this section; trimming...");
        tItems = tItems.filter( sImage => [".jpg",".png"].includes(sImage.substring(sImage.length-4)) );
        console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images after filtering");
        return srcs.concat(tItems);
    }, tImageSrcs);
    console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" appropriate images sourced so far...");
    iPreviousHeight = await pPage.evalutate("document.body.scrollHeight");
    await pPage.evaluate('window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)');
    console.log("Searching at scroll height "+iPreviousHeight);
    await pPage.waitForFunction(`document.body.scrollHeight > ${iPreviousHeight}`);
    await page.waitFor(1000);

console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" images sourced");




const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

var pBrowser = await puppeteer.launch();
console.log("\t* Browser launched");
var pPage       = await pBrowser.newPage();
console.log("\t* Page launched");

let sUrl = foo;
await pPage.goto(sUrl);

let iItemCount = 10;
let tImageSrcs = [];
await async function () {
    let iPreviousHeight;
    console.log("Starting search at the top");
    while (tImageSrcs.length < iItemCount) {
        tImageSrcs = await pPage.evaluate( function() {
            let tItems = Array.from(document.images, e => e.src );
            console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images overall found within this section; trimming...");
            tItems = tItems.filter( sImage => [".jpg",".png"].includes(sImage.substring(sImage.length-4)) );
            console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images after filtering");
            return tImageSrcs.concat(tItems);
        console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" appropriate images sourced so far...");
        iPreviousHeight = await pPage.evalutate("document.body.scrollHeight");
        await pPage.evaluate('window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)');
        console.log("Searching at scroll height "+iPreviousHeight);
        await pPage.waitForFunction(`document.body.scrollHeight > ${iPreviousHeight}`);
        await page.waitFor(1000);
console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" images sourced");


        * Browser launched
        * Page launched
        * 0 images sourced


  1. 您创建了异步函数,但是您没有调用它,因此它不会被执行:
await async function () { /*...*/ }


await async function () { /*...*/ }()
  1. 无论如何,这个包装函数是多余的:我想你已经在使用await的异步函数中,所以不需要使用包装器。
  2. console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" images sourced");仍然为空时,你调用tImageSrcs,因为上面的函数没有执行(await只是等待它的创建,而不是执行)。
  3. tImageSrcs代码中的pPage.evaluate()未定义(tImageSrcs是Node.js上下文中的变量,它在浏览器上下文中不可用)。您需要通过其可序列化值传输它。


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

var pBrowser = await puppeteer.launch();
console.log("\t* Browser launched");
var pPage       = await pBrowser.newPage();
console.log("\t* Page launched");

let sUrl = foo;
await pPage.goto(sUrl);

let iItemCount = 10;
let tImageSrcs = [];

let iPreviousHeight;
console.log("Starting search at the top");

while (tImageSrcs.length < iItemCount) {
    tImageSrcs = await pPage.evaluate( function(srcs) {
        let tItems = Array.from(document.images, e => e.src );
        console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images overall found within this section; trimming...");
        tItems = tItems.filter( sImage => [".jpg",".png"].includes(sImage.substring(sImage.length-4)) );
        console.log("\t\t* "+tItems.length+" images after filtering");
        return srcs.concat(tItems);
    }, tImageSrcs);
    console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" appropriate images sourced so far...");
    iPreviousHeight = await pPage.evalutate("document.body.scrollHeight");
    await pPage.evaluate('window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)');
    console.log("Searching at scroll height "+iPreviousHeight);
    await pPage.waitForFunction(`document.body.scrollHeight > ${iPreviousHeight}`);
    await page.waitFor(1000);

console.log("\t* "+tImageSrcs.length+" images sourced");

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