10.5 英语听力练习

时间: 2023-09-30 admin IT培训

10.5 英语听力练习

10.5 英语听力练习

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heal  v.治疗

The doctor healed the gunshot wound in his leg.

"Cats are sleeping just beside us.It is healing",she said.

verify  v.证实,查明,证明

There is not enough evidence to verify your theory.

attraction  n.吸引力

They fell in love so quickly for they have a very strong attraction towards each other.

The uncertainty of winning provides added attraction and desirability through  emotional 'thrills'


thrill  v.使兴奋    n.兴奋,紧张

There is the place that never fails to thrill me.

desire  v.渴望,n.愿望 adj.渴望的

desirable   adj.向往的

The city with a friendly climate is a disirable place to live.

desirability   n.愿望,希望

I think she put too much emphasis on the desirability of marrying a rich guy.

(emphasis  n.强调,重点)

exclude  v.不包括,不考虑,排除

She took extreme methods to lose weight by excluding all fat from her diet.

individual   adj.单独的,个人的  n.个人

This styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.  (adapt  v.使适应,改编)

nursery  n.托儿所

Her youngest child is at cursery now.

contend  v.竞争 ,声称,主张,辩论

John has to contend with great dificulty.

Beyond moral issues,others contends that hunting is not practial.

practice  n.训练,实践,习惯  v.练习,养成习惯

This bad practice will gradually die out.

practise  v.练习,训练,从事(职业)

Your written English is very good but you need to practise your speaking skills.

practical  adj.实际的,实用的

practical advice/help/support

practically  adv.几乎,差不多

He has a fight with his younger sister practically everyday.