
时间: 2023-08-18 admin IT培训




Notifications are annoying, but your notification sounds don’t have to be. iRingPro is a huge collection of soothing sounds you can download for free right now and use on your phone.

通知很烦人,但您的通知声音不一定非要。 iRingPro包含大量舒缓的声音,您可以立即免费下载并在手机上使用。

These tones were all professionally recorded, and intended to be used by “professionals and adults,” meaning you won’t find novelty sounds here. There are three collections—Zen, Origin, and Tek— but all of which are distinctive without being distracting. They were sold for a few years until the death of a co-founder inspired a widespread free release.

这些音色都是经过专业录制的,旨在供“专业人士和成年人”使用,这意味着您在这里找不到新颖的声音。 共有三个集合(Zen,Origin和Tek),但是所有这些都具有独特性,不会让人分心。 它们被出售了几年,直到一位联合创始人的去世激发了广泛的免费发行。

This isn’t a new find, but it’s one I re-discovered today why I realized my phone was driving me nuts. I changed up a few notification sounds and I feel a lot more calm.

这不是一个新发现,但这是我今天重新发现的一个原因,为什么我意识到手机让我发疯。 我改变了一些通知声音,感觉更加平静。

We’ve already shown you how to change your iPhone ringtone, how to change your iPhone notification sounds, and how to customize your Android ringtones, so check those out if you’re not sure how to use the files you just downloaded. Other than that, enjoy!

我们已经向您展示了如何更改iPhone铃声 , 如何更改iPhone通知声音以及如何自定义Android铃声 ,因此,如果不确定如何使用刚刚下载的文件,请查看这些内容。 除此之外,享受!

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